Monday, December 1, 2008
Good News vs Bad News
“Nothing travels faster than light, with the possible exception of bad news, which follows its own rules” - Douglas Adams
The world we live in today thrives on bad news and I think I have finally figured out why. If you disagree with my opinion on this, I would love to see your opinion, nothing would make me happier than to be wrong about this one.
We like to read about other peoples misfortune, because it makes our life seem so much better. The same goes for gossip. We love to talk about other peoples misfortune for the same reason, we even say bad things about other people because it makes us feel better about ourselves. Let me use an example to illustrate my point. I often hear other people talking about how much weight someone has put on, and I wonder, are they saying this because they are concerned about the other person, or because it makes them feel better about their own
physical appearance? Sadly it's usually it's the latter.
Unfortunately very few of us are even aware of this problem, we are bombarded with bad news on a daily basis, the media industry thrives on it. So we get sucked in and just go with the flow.
“The news media are, for the most part, the bringers of bad news... and it's not entirely the media's fault, bad news gets higher ratings and sells more papers than good news.” - Peter McWilliam
“For most folks, no news is good news; for the press, good news is not news.” - Gloria Borger
Personally I don't buy the newspaper any more, and when I do pick up a newspaper I usually go straight to the sports section or I just skim through the headlines until I find something of interest. Some people say I am being naive, I should be informed of what is happening around me. How is being informed going to make my life any better? I don't know how many people are aware of energy, it's all around us and in us. The more we talk about something, the more energy is given to it. The more we talk about crime the worse it gets, the more we talk about the current financial situation, the worse it gets. If we all started talking about the situation being better, it would eventually start being better. Of course it would take years to undo what's been done, but at least it would be a start.
Thankfully I have found a website with a difference, South Africa - The Good News, click here to check it out.
My wife sometimes says I'm too positive for my own good, and sometimes she's right, but being positive puts a smile on my face and that's all that really matters. I must say though, it gets very lonely being one of the only positive people I know. So here's a message to all you positive people out there, you are not alone, and don't let the negativity on this planet get to you. You are needed more than you think.
Smile, it's infectious!
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It is wonderful to note that more and more beings are now opting out of the "bad news" media and focussing on what is good.
When I got rid of my TV a few years ago, I was the exception to the rule and explaining why I do not read newspapers was beyond comprehension. Tolerating the uncomfortable questions and weird looks pay off, Brynn. I am healthier and happier than ever and by the sounds of it, so are you.
I agree with your statement that a possitive aproach can change our reality. May it happen sooner than you expect. Love amandA
I doubt I will ever get rid of my TV, I enjoy my sport too much, but I will be very careful about what I watch. Any idea on how to connect with more positive people?
Hi Brynn,
I totally agree with your opinion on this and you are absolutely right, the media only focus on bad news! I made a decision to stop watching the news about a year ago and that alone has made a difference.
I sometimes get funny looks from people when I tell them I refuse to watch the news, but rather that than going back to watching "bad news" again.
I love your blog and I firmly believe that anyone who reads it will benefit.
Thank you and best wishes.
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