Monday, July 28, 2008
- Rhonda Byrne
In this quote you are compared to a magnet, and rightly so. Firstly let me explain how a magnet works. A magnet is a type of metal that generates a magnetic field, you can't see this field, but it is there. This field attracts materials with common or similar properties. A magnet will not attract lead, aluminium & stainless steel because these metals have different properties to magnets. The important point is this, you can't see the magnetic field with the naked eye, but it is there.
Your brain generates electrical pulses at varying frequencies 24 hours a day, these are commonly known as brain waves, (beta, alpha, theta and delta). What happens to these brain waves, do they just disappear into thin air? Fortunately they don't, your brain waves are like a magnetic field, they attract everything into your life. This is commonly known as the law of attraction.
Why do people struggle to believe this? They believe a magnet works, yet they can't see the magnetic field. I believe that us human beings don't like responsibility. If you believe the law of attraction works, then you have to believe that you create your own life experiences, the good and the bad. And very few people can admit to attracting bad things into their life.
Here's the beauty of the law of attraction, imagine the type of life you can create for yourself if you can learn to control your thoughts. What good does a negative thought do? So why think it? You can't help it...., well then I'm afraid you no longer control your life, your ego does.
Now the really scary part. The law of attraction is a law, like magnetism and gravity. It works whether you believe in it or not. So it would be really wise of you to learn how to use this law properly and create the life of your dreams.
If you want to be loved, be a loving person;
If you want happiness, be a happy person;
If you want to be wealthy, think wealthy thoughts;
If you want to be healthy, think healthy thoughts;
the list goes on....
It all starts with you!
'When you change the way you look at things - the things you look at change.' - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Sunday, July 20, 2008
- Oprah Winfrey
Breathing, something taken for granted and yet so important for survival. You can live without food and water for a few days, but try and live for a few minutes without breathing.
And it's not just breathing, but how we breathe that is of vital importance.
Have you ever stopped and observed your breathing? Do it now. Is it short and shallow? Or is it long and deep? By observing your breathing you will be able to tell whether you are relaxed, or stressed and anxious. Long, deep breathes indicate a relaxed state. Any form of meditation or exercise focus firstly on breathing, that's how important it is. If you are breathing in short, shallow bursts it means you are stressed or anxious about something.
The first thing you need to do is start breathing deeply, and concentrate on your breathing, I mean really concentrate. Firstly, make sure you are sitting or standing upright, your spine nice and straight. Then make sure your shoulders are back and your chest open, not hollow or hunched. Then breathe, feel the air flowing through your nostrils and filling up your lungs, breathe in until your lungs are full, really full.... then exhale slowly. Keep doing this until you start feeling relaxed, actually, keep doing this for the rest of your life, the benefits are immense.
Please note, the first time you start doing this, you might feel slightly light headed, that's because your body and mind are not used to so much oxygen, and it is a great indicator that you don't breathe properly.
If you are having trouble falling asleep, concentrate on your breathing, and don't give up after a few minutes, keep it up, you will eventually fall asleep. It's a known fact that when we sleep we naturally breathe more deeply and rhythmically than when awake. That's because when we sleep our body and mind renews itself, and the more oxygen we give it the better.
But if we could breathe like that while awake, imagine the benefits.
And it's not just how we breathe, but what we breathe. The better the quality of air the better your body can use it.
I am an ex-smoker, and they say we are the worst when it comes to being around smokers. I just wish the smokers I know could feel the benefits I feel from quitting. Our bodies are designed in a way that we breathe in air through our lungs and our lungs absorb oxygen into our blood stream and it is transported to every single cell. Unfortunately, everything else gets absorbed with the oxygen. And the list of chemicals is scary.
The quality of air we breathe while sleeping is even more important, so if you sleep with you bedroom door closed it might explain why you don't feel refreshed in the morning. The ideal is to sleep near an open window, and even better if there is a slight draft. Unfortunately, living conditions in most countries don't allow this.
So, stop taking breathing for granted and breathe your way to better health.
“To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”
- William Londen
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”
- Marcus Aurelius
Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours”
- Swedish Proverb
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Paradigms & perceptions

"Just because something has always been done in a certain way is never a sufficient reason for continuing to do it that way."
- Clarence Birdseye
This quote explains a paradigm in a simple way, and the attached cartoon in an even simpler way. (to view the cartoon more clearly, just click on the image, it will open in a new window)
According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, a paradigm is "a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated; broadly: a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind."
In a sense, we each have our own set of paradigms or glasses through which we view the world. These personal viewpoints of the "way things are" may cloud our ability to perceive or consider new or different ideas, especially if they seem to be in conflict with our perception of what is reality or "truth."
My question is this, how many paradigms are there, and why do we accept them so easily?
"All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions."
- Leonardo da Vinci
A lot of what we believe and the way we do things has been passed down through the ages, from our distant relatives, or a committee or organization created the paradigm. We are even born with certain perceptions already programmed into our thinking. It is only as we get older we can start to question things. (if we want to)
"What you see depends on what you thought before you looked."
- Eugene Taurman
The problem with paradigms and perceptions is that it tends to narrow our thinking and close our minds. We make decisions before we have even heard the other side, especially if it challenges a belief we have had for some time.
"With most men, unbelief in one thing springs from blind belief in another."
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
One of the most concerning paradigms for me, is one created by certain churches. The belief that if you don't walk the straight and narrow you will suffer the wrath of God. That basically means we will all suffer the wrath of God, because all of us sin at one point in our life. I believe in a loving God, I believe God is pure love, nothing else and he will never get angry with any of his children. I strive to be more like Him and be loving and kind to all I know and meet.
I would love to hear about more paradigms that annoy you, I know there are plenty out there...
Monday, July 7, 2008
Right or wrong?
"The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it."
- Norman Shwarzkopf
So how do you know if what you are doing or saying is right or wrong? (It really is very simple, we tend to always over complicate it.)
There are only two questions you need to ask yourself.
1. Would my creator do or say it? And remember, God only does things out of love, because he is pure love, nothing else. And when asking yourself this question, you mustn't only consider your love for someone else, but also your love for yourself. (This might sound arrogant or selfish, but I'm talking about a respectful love, not a vain type of love, after all, how can you truly love someone else without loving yourself?)
2. Would I like it if someone else did or said to me what I'm about to do or say? And here you have to be really honest with yourself, because you might think you would be OK, but would you really?
If after asking yourself these two questions you still aren't sure, ask someone you really trust their opinion, and never blame that person if their advise turns out to be wrong. It's not their fault you asked them, and you decided to use their advise.
"No man should judge unless he asks himself in absolute honesty whether in a similar situation he might not have done the same."
- Victor Frankl
"Always do right! This will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
- Mark Twain
- Unknown